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  • 📝 If you struggle being consistent, try THIS.

📝 If you struggle being consistent, try THIS.

GM Friends 👋

Hope you’re having an awesome week. In this episode I’ll cover:

🪂 Care-Package:
📝 If you struggle being consistent with content, try THIS.
⚖️ When you’re killing it at one thing, you need to be okay with sucking at everything else.
🧠 This mindset will make you enjoy life so much more

Let’s jump in 👇

🪂 Care-Package:

A weekly package of actionable strategies to help you Grow Faster through content, business & health.

🧲 Attract an audience:

📝 If you struggle being consistent with content, try THIS.

The hardest challenge of playing the content game long enough is staying consistent.

Over the past 2 years of creating content I’ve tried a lot of different methods to stay on track, and by far the #1 method that has worked best for me is:

Use 2 hours on Sunday to set up your week.

It’s super simple.

All I do is find 2 hours on a Sunday to sit at my laptop uninterrupted and write as many tweets as I can for the week ahead.

I’ll then often use a scheduling tool so that I don’t miss a day if the week gets intense.

This is a screenshot of how my scheduling app looks on any given week:

If you’ve struggled to stay consistent, the combination of starting the week ahead + adding scheduling during intense periods will be everything you need to succeed.

🍄 Become Better:

⚖️ When you’re killing it at one thing, you need to be okay with sucking at everything else.

I’m simultaneously living two polar opposite experiences right now.

1️⃣ On the business front, I’m doing great. I’m finally seeing better results than I’ve experienced in the past 2 years, and it’s something that has taken several months of grinding to get to.

2️⃣ On everything else, I’m kind of sucking right now. (and that’s okay)

Friends, family, health, work relationships, content, other work that I want to be doing, everything.

And it’s not fun because I value all of these areas of life.

But what I’ve found is that there’s two types of work.

There’s working hard to ‘make something happen’ — This feels like pushing a never ending boulder up a hill:

And then there’s the thing working.

And that’s where you reach the the top of the hill that you thought would go on forever, and you push it over the other side.

And then you’re running to keep up with the boulder.

That’s the zone I’m in at the moment.

And it feels more like the work pulling you, rather than you grinding to push it.

Which is tough, but it’s kind of awesome.

This experience has really changed my perspective on grinding on longterm work.

My thoughts now are that if you’re trying to be consistent over a long time horizon, and you haven’t found something that works yet,

You shouldn’t go all in.

You need to operate at an 80%-90% pace, so that you can stay consistent and in the game long enough to not burn out before you find YOUR opportunity.

Then, when you finally find it, that’s when you kick it into overdrive and push 120% all on one thing, and take the pressure off yourself to be perfect in the other areas.

Right now my focus is on creating systems and improving how we deliver our content service, so that it can be done better and faster.

Then as I create these systems for myself, I’ll be able to delegate more and regain balance on how I operate.

For now though, I’ve got a boulder to keep up with 🏃💨🪨💨

🌿 Feel f*cking fantastic:

🧠 This mindset will make you enjoy life so much more

I’ve been getting really into Alan Watts lately

(This guy who made Buddhism and other philosophies popular in Western Countries many years ago)

And I wasn’t expecting to see one of his most powerful insights shared by some Aussies on a podcast, but they captured it perfectly (video below).

When you live your life thinking “I’ll just do this, and then the good thing is coming.”

You end up missing all of life, even in the challenging parts.

The good thing is right now, and years from now you’ll look back and feel like you missed this moment.

I try to remind myself of this every day, and I really enjoyed the way that it was spoken about in this video:

Hope you enjoyed this article friends. Have an awesome weekend ❤️

— Alex